Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Fourth Industrial Revolution 

The Internet of Things is the joining of the physical world to the cyber domain using the Internet. This is quite distinct from the traditional use of the Internet to pass information for human consumption. The Internet of Things promises to be much larger in scale than the simple Internet of yore. The connection of the Things to a pervasive network permits the application of Big Data, Cloud, and Analytics. The vision of such an Internet of Things applied to the industrial sector has created the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Watch this video from Siemens to get an overview of the concept.

"The vision of tomorrow's manufacturing: In intelligent factories, machines, raw materials, and products communicate within an "Internet of things" and cooperatively drive production. Products find their way independently through the production process. The objective: highly flexible, individualized and resource-friendly mass production. That is the vision for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Siemens is playing a major role in shaping the future of industry."

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